| Day or Sunset Picnic
Experience some of Santorini’s most stunning vistas in serene seclusion with a delightful picnic, whether you choose to enjoy it during the day or at sunset. Embark on a unique educational adventure, beginning with a scenic hike along picturesque cobbled streets and dry stone walls. Arrive at Santorini's sole organic black currant vineyard, where you will explore local varieties of organic herbs such as caper and thyme. Depending on the season, you may have the opportunity to harvest and taste these fresh herbs. The journey continues with a visit to a cave, where you will learn about the complete production process. Conclude your visit with a tasting of local products and black currant liqueur, followed by a relaxing picnic in a tranquil area offering breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea and surrounding islands.
Menu: Selection of local delicacies, Fruits, Local wine, Small bottle of water.